Hounbo answered questions from the AA correspondent regarding the impact of international labor markets and artificial intelligence on professions within the scope of the 55th annual meetings held in Davos town of the World Economic Forum (WeF) in Davos town of Switzerland.
Expressing the effect of artificial intelligence on professions and this transformation process should be managed carefully, Hounbo said, “Millions of work has been lost due to artificial intelligence, but much more new business has been created.” He said.
HOUNGBO, “Artificial intelligence will not lead to loss of labor as much as it is worried. My real concern is the potential of deepening inequalities in the labor force of artificial intelligence, not the losses of work caused by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence needs to be human -centered. This technology will improve the quality of life of people. It should be used. he said.
Asked the advice for young people, Hounbo pointed out the importance of education in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and said that these trainings are indispensable.
Hounngbo, as well as the importance of developing soft skills such as vocational training and communication and leadership, “Artificial intelligence, yet can not replace such soft skills. Young people develop these skills, will provide advantages in the labor market. However, the harmony between the labor market and education systems needs to be increased. ” he said.
“Unregistered employment is one of the biggest problems we need to solve”
Evaluating the latest situation in the global labor market, Hounbo said that the unemployment rate was around 5 percent by turning to the pre -epidemic level and this year would not change to a great extent.
“However, young women’s participation rates for employment compared to young men are much lower than young men. Therefore, women’s participation in the labor force is a great concern.” He said.
Hounngbo shared the information that approximately 2 billion people worldwide working worldwide and continued his speech as follows:
“This constitutes approximately 60 percent of the world labor force and these people work without any social protection. Unregistered employment is one of the biggest problems we need to solve. In this context, unemployment should be discussed beyond traditional measurement methods. Approximately 183 million people active in the world active He’s looking for a job, but he’s not actively looking for a job.
Hounbo stressed that it is critical to make economic policies compatible with employment policies.
“There is no global standard in hybrid and remote work”
“Some companies recall their employees to full-time office work, but there is no standard approach on a global scale,” Hounbo said, “Some companies recall their employees’ full-time office work,” He said.
Houngbo said that hybrid models play an important role in providing employees’ work-life balance and said, “Young people are looking for meaningful and satisfying jobs, not only for salary. Hybrid and flexible working models may play a critical role in providing this balance.” evaluated.